Monday 14 July 2014


Last weekend, for my best friends birthday, we went to Warner Bros Studio Tour: The Making of Harry Potter. Let me begin by saying, it was incredible. We both absolutely love Harry Potter and had an amazing day. We got a bit lost on the way however and ended up in a BT offices car park which was rather fun.

When we first got there we went into a cinema room and watched a very emotional and intriguing video about all of the Harry Potter films and the cast and filming and the set and things. After the video had ended, the screen lifted up revealing the doors to the great hall and it was extremely exciting and magical. Inside, the realisation of the fact that this is the actual great hall of the actual Hogwarts and all of the cast have stood on this floor and this is in all of the films oh my god, sunk in. It was so cool and I want to live there.

Then you go into the main room inside which is huge and contains everything from the films. There were all of the costumes that had actually touched Harry Potter's skin, the wig that had sat on Bellatrix's head etc. There were loads of the sets that they filmed on like the Burrow, the potions classroom, the gryffindor dorm room and common room, Dumbledore's office, Dolores' office, etc. The thing that amazed me the most was the extreme attention to detail in every aspect of the sets and costumes and props. It must have taken so long and so much skill to do it all??? I never thought I'd actually see all of the real horcruxes and the elder wand and everything in real life. I've missed out loads because there is so much to take about but overall it was sooo exciting and fascinating and I loved it.

Next we went outside, and saw No.4 Privet Drive, Godric's Hollow, the Knight Bus, the Hogwarts Bridge, and had butterbeer! I touched the door handle of Harry Potter's house and now my life is complete.  After this you go back inside to a creature effects room which was incredible and really cool. And the Model Room. This was probably the most incredible and breathtaking part of the whole tour. The Hogwarts model is so big and painstakingly detailed that it leaves you in complete awe and wonder.

From the gift shop at the end (which was horrendously expensive) I got a Chocolate Frog, a box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans, a post card and some temporary death eater tattoos. It was such an incredible day and I loved every second of it. Have you been to Harry Potter Studio Tour before? What did you think?


  1. I would LOVE to go there! I'd be the first one at the HP studio!! I’ve just started following you on bloglovin, follow me here if you want
