Wednesday 6 August 2014


In November last year, I got about 6 inches cut off my hair. At the time, it was nice and long, but in bad condition and desperately needed reviving. So after spending weeks looking at pictures on tumblr and google of how I wanted it to look, I plucked up the courage to get it all cut off. In the end it I got it cut just above my shoulders, which was terrifying and a drastic change of appearance for me, however, I did like the end result and was happy with my hair. After a few months, my hair got to an awkward length where I didn't really know what to do with it, so I decided to grow it a few inches. If you're like me and are trying to grow your hair, or you've recently experienced a terrible cut that you want to grow it out quickly, then I have a few product recommendations and tips: 


I religiously use the Lee Stafford Hair Growth Range. This consists of a shampoo, conditioner and a treatment/hair mask. I highly recommend using all 3 of these together for the best effects. I think this range definitely improved the speed that my hair grew at compared to normal, and left my hair feeling amazing, and in excellent condition. It nourishes your roots and gives them the right proteins that promote hair growth, and also strengthens your hair to reduce breakage.

  • Embrace your new hair. For me personally, trying to do the styles and use the same techniques that I did on my old hair was impossible. Mess around and find out what looks best for your new hair length
  • Lay off the heat. I'm kind of a straighteners addict, and find it hard to go more than two days without straightening the front parts of my hair. But to make it grow faster, I found that leaving my hair natural as often as possible was really beneficial.
  • Let your hair air dry instead of using a hairdryer
  • Try not to aggressively brush your hair when it is wet. This strains the hair and can lead to breakage.
  • Don't wash your hair every single day. It strips the hair of its natural moisturizing oils that keep it healthy and stimulate growth


  1. Great tips!
    I nominated you for the Liebster Award on my blog:
    Check it out :)

  2. Great post! Really enjoy reading your blog!
    Aaaaand I've nominated you for the Liebster Award!
    More info here:

  3. I've been pondering over whether to try out these products as I'm currently trying to grow my hair. I think I will give them a whirl!
    Love your blog x

    1. you definitely should, they really helped!&thank you x
