Saturday 22 November 2014


Ive decided that every month I'm going to try to do a post on the book I've been enjoying that month. 
This month, I've been completely obsessed with Delirium by Lauren Oliver. It's the first book of a trilogy and I absolutely love it. 

Its set in a futuristic, dystopian world where love is known to be a deadly disease that is feared and forbidden. When people reach 18, they're given a procedure to cure them of amor deliria nervosa - love or, as they think of it, the disease. Their ability to feel deeply for anyone is removed, and then they're matched with someone by the goverment and live a happy, loveless life. And they think this is better. They strongly believe that this is how life is supposed to be because it is all they have ever known. They just exist, not remembering what it was like to ever feel passion or pain. To them, love is a sickness, an illness. A disease of the highest order. And it must be stopped.

For Lena Haloway, this way of thinking is all she knows. She's an orphan living with her aunt and uncle, and is counting down the days until her procedure cures her, leaving her free of the temptation to love, and taking care of the amor deliria nervosa that could, at any moment, pollute her mind. For Lena and her best friend Hana, this is all fine. It's the way of life, it's expected and it's right. Then with only 95 days left until Lena's procedure, she meets Alex. Alex, the boy with hair like autumn leaves, and a touch that awakens her whole being. Alex, the boy responsible for Lena opening her eyes and realising that no, love isn't a disease and, no, it doesn't require a cure. The boy who infects her, consumes her, with amor deliria nervosa.

Lauren Oliver's writing style is so refreshing and thought-provoking. I got the book as a sample on my phone first, before I purchased the paperback copy, and after reading just the first chapter or two I was addicted. There are so many points in the book where you just have to re-read what's been written, just to take it in, and contemplate the words in awe. I could not put this book down and I highly recommend that you read it. 

Monday 17 November 2014



I'm going to see Mockingjay on friday and I'm so excited its like my equivalent of christmas! Recently I bought these Ripped Jamie Jeans from Topshop. I think they're really good because they're thicker than the Joni Jeans but still quite stretchy and are high waisted as well. At the moment I seem to have obtained an abuncance of poloneck/turtleneck jumpers and now they are all I wear. 

Sunday 16 November 2014


Eyeliner is an essential part of my makeup bag, and after trying out many, over time I have always gone back to these 3. As you'll notice, these are all drugstore products and are very affordable.

1. Rimmel Scandal Eyes Thick and Thin Liner £5.49
I find the felt tip pen kind of eyeliner easiest to use when doing winged eyeliner, and this Thick and Thin Liner is the best one I've come across. The tip is the perfect shape for drawing on the flick and the colour is really black and doesn't fade throughout the day. 

2. Collection 2000 Extreme 24Hour Felt Tip Liner £2.99
I've probably re-purchased this about 5 times because its so cheap and so good. It's incredibly easy to use and if you haven't done winged eyeliner before I'd definitely recommend this one. The only bad thing about this is if you don't put the cap back on properly it'll dry up really fast and the intesity of the black will fade. But overall, for the money, I think this eyeliner is very impressive.

3. Maybeline Eyestudio Lasting Drama Gel Eyeliner £8
Even though this is one of the pricier drugstore eyeliners, I've had mine for around a year and even after being frequently used, it still has loads left. Completely worth the investment. This one comes with a small eyeliner brush and is the blackest one I own. Personally, I don't like doing winged eyeliner with this one, but it's great for just regular eyeliner.

Friday 10 October 2014


Sorry for the extremelyyy bad iPhone quality and any of my awful singing/shouting/screaming, but this is just a collection of videos from the concert

This Tuesday, I went to see Jake Bugg with my best friend and her brother and his friend. It was the best night of my year so far. My love for Jake has grown even more and I wish I could go back right now. First there were 2 support acts, one a strange band with a sparkly jacket and long hair&the second was Hudson Taylor. I'd heard of them prior to the concert and I thought they were great.

While we were waiting for Jake to come on the crowd all sung champagne supernova and it was a really lovely moment. Jake looked super cool&hot as usual and because we were so close to the front I had a perfect view. He started with Messed Up Kids and he did most of his Shangri La album and quite a few of his first album. IT WAS INCREDIBLE !!! He's so good live and his voice is absolutely unbelievable, the. There was such an electric atmosphere and I thought it was really thrilling and on the slower songs when all you could hear was Jake's voice and the blanket of voices around you in the crowd singing together it was sensational. Every song was amazing but my favourites were:
Storm Passes Away
Seen It All
Simple Pleasures
Taste It
Two Fingers

Tuesday 30 September 2014



Hi, sorry for the extreme lack of posts this month, I've been fairely busy. 
Recently I bought this gorgeousss camel coat, which I absolutely love. I wish it would get colder so I can wear it more often without looking weird. Even more recently, I went to COW and found this green tartan skirt. Originally I had my heart set on Ameircan Apparel's green plaid skirt, but their prices are ridiculous, so I was extremely happy when I found this for like 1/4 of the price. The skirt has been altered a bit so it looks less like a kilt and more like a skirt, but now it fits perfectly and I love it. I don't know why I havent included my cat t-shirt in an ootd before because I literally wear it every single day. 

Wednesday 27 August 2014


Hi, so I've decided to start doing this thing where at the end of every month I create and upload a playlist of the songs I've been enjoying in that month. This is the first month yet, I'm not sure if anyone's interested in this or whatever, let me know. (P.S I couldn't get Kids by The Kooks on soundcloud because of copyright reasons or something but if you want to listen to it you can find it on youtube)


Slight cactus overload. Slight. I've just got back from my holiday to Majorca and France and thought I'd so a haul post of all the stuff I got whilst there/ at the airport. Firstly, I found this little shop called 'Gem 'n' Co' in a village in France, and they sold loads of different types of gem stones and quartz and rocks and jewelry and it was pretty cool. I got two chunks of quartz and three gem stones to put around my room. 
At a market in Majorca there was a stall selling really cheap necklaces and I purchased this hamsa hand necklace. I visited a different market in Majorca as well, and found these mirrored aviators that I rather liked, the only negative of them being that when wearing them, the whole family use them as mirrors and it can get very irritating. At the airport in paperchase I saw this gorgeouss cactus notebook and I love it. You can never have enough notebooks in life. Also at the airport in duty free, my lovely mother treated me to MAC's All That Glitters eyeshadow. In the pan it looks boring and slightly brown (I think that's just due to bad lighting), but on the eye its so nice and rose gold champagne coloured and I wore it almost every night on holiday. 

Tuesday 26 August 2014


I'm quite looking forward to autumn and jumpers and coats and the jake bugg concert. I've just returned from my holiday in Majorca and France and it hasn't stopped raining since I stepped off the plane. Ah home sweet home. These outfit photos were taken in Majorca in our apartment garden where it was nice and hot and warm enough to wear a dress. I've had this simple black dress for ages and I still love it, despite its very basic style. This is basically the most simple look ever, no accessories or a jacket or anything, just the dress. To my despair, my favourite chunky black sandals broke whilst on holiday so I opted for my holographic sandals instead. I think I'm going to be doing another holiday related post so expect that soon.

Wednesday 6 August 2014


In November last year, I got about 6 inches cut off my hair. At the time, it was nice and long, but in bad condition and desperately needed reviving. So after spending weeks looking at pictures on tumblr and google of how I wanted it to look, I plucked up the courage to get it all cut off. In the end it I got it cut just above my shoulders, which was terrifying and a drastic change of appearance for me, however, I did like the end result and was happy with my hair. After a few months, my hair got to an awkward length where I didn't really know what to do with it, so I decided to grow it a few inches. If you're like me and are trying to grow your hair, or you've recently experienced a terrible cut that you want to grow it out quickly, then I have a few product recommendations and tips: 


I religiously use the Lee Stafford Hair Growth Range. This consists of a shampoo, conditioner and a treatment/hair mask. I highly recommend using all 3 of these together for the best effects. I think this range definitely improved the speed that my hair grew at compared to normal, and left my hair feeling amazing, and in excellent condition. It nourishes your roots and gives them the right proteins that promote hair growth, and also strengthens your hair to reduce breakage.

  • Embrace your new hair. For me personally, trying to do the styles and use the same techniques that I did on my old hair was impossible. Mess around and find out what looks best for your new hair length
  • Lay off the heat. I'm kind of a straighteners addict, and find it hard to go more than two days without straightening the front parts of my hair. But to make it grow faster, I found that leaving my hair natural as often as possible was really beneficial.
  • Let your hair air dry instead of using a hairdryer
  • Try not to aggressively brush your hair when it is wet. This strains the hair and can lead to breakage.
  • Don't wash your hair every single day. It strips the hair of its natural moisturizing oils that keep it healthy and stimulate growth

Tuesday 5 August 2014


eBay T-Shirt
Urban Outfitters Dungarees
ASOS Shoes
Camden Market Sunglasses
 I recently brought these denim dungarees, which I rather like. They're kind of over-sized and bordering on tomboyish, but I prefer this type to properly fitted shorts and think it gives more of a 80's-90's feel to the outfit. I recently made my first ever ASOS purchase, which included these gold holographic shoes. I think they make most of my boring outfits a lot more interesting and I don't think I have ever owned such a brightly coloured shoe. Also, they are extremely comfortable, which is a bonus.

Monday 14 July 2014


Last weekend, for my best friends birthday, we went to Warner Bros Studio Tour: The Making of Harry Potter. Let me begin by saying, it was incredible. We both absolutely love Harry Potter and had an amazing day. We got a bit lost on the way however and ended up in a BT offices car park which was rather fun.

When we first got there we went into a cinema room and watched a very emotional and intriguing video about all of the Harry Potter films and the cast and filming and the set and things. After the video had ended, the screen lifted up revealing the doors to the great hall and it was extremely exciting and magical. Inside, the realisation of the fact that this is the actual great hall of the actual Hogwarts and all of the cast have stood on this floor and this is in all of the films oh my god, sunk in. It was so cool and I want to live there.

Then you go into the main room inside which is huge and contains everything from the films. There were all of the costumes that had actually touched Harry Potter's skin, the wig that had sat on Bellatrix's head etc. There were loads of the sets that they filmed on like the Burrow, the potions classroom, the gryffindor dorm room and common room, Dumbledore's office, Dolores' office, etc. The thing that amazed me the most was the extreme attention to detail in every aspect of the sets and costumes and props. It must have taken so long and so much skill to do it all??? I never thought I'd actually see all of the real horcruxes and the elder wand and everything in real life. I've missed out loads because there is so much to take about but overall it was sooo exciting and fascinating and I loved it.

Next we went outside, and saw No.4 Privet Drive, Godric's Hollow, the Knight Bus, the Hogwarts Bridge, and had butterbeer! I touched the door handle of Harry Potter's house and now my life is complete.  After this you go back inside to a creature effects room which was incredible and really cool. And the Model Room. This was probably the most incredible and breathtaking part of the whole tour. The Hogwarts model is so big and painstakingly detailed that it leaves you in complete awe and wonder.

From the gift shop at the end (which was horrendously expensive) I got a Chocolate Frog, a box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans, a post card and some temporary death eater tattoos. It was such an incredible day and I loved every second of it. Have you been to Harry Potter Studio Tour before? What did you think?

Wednesday 9 July 2014


Topshop Dress
eBay Shoes
Camden Market Sunglasses

Hi, sorry for not posting in ages, my crazy social life really just got out of hand.
Last Sunday (when these photos were taken) I went to Warner Bros Studio Tour, The Making of Harry Potter. It was absolutely incredible, and I'm going to do a post on it later. The day before going, me and my friend went into town and I got this dress in topshop. I think this is the first time I have worn a colour ever on this blog, can somebody give me a medal please? I really like the low waist line and the powdery purple colour is super cool. 

Monday 30 June 2014


Topshop Jumpsuit
Topshop Shoes
Cow Denim Jacket
Vintage Bag

Cow Vintage Dress
Topshop T-Shirt Underneath
eBay Shoes
Camden Market Sunglasses

These pictures are a bit all over the place, but as you can probably tell, I went to London this weekend. On the first day there I went to Camden Market and had lunch and purchased some stuff for myself and my friends birthday. It was horrendously busy, and full of tourists and obey hats, but I really enjoyed my time there. Me and my mom had lunch by the water and a funny chinese man gave us some free chips. Camden is a great place to photograph because of the vibrancy and colour, loads of signage, typography and little trinkets. But its also awkward as most stall holders don't want you taking pictures of their stuff, and I shouted at a few times.  
Day 2 consisted of Spitalfields Market. In my opinion, there were better stalls and things to buy here, but I preferred the atmosphere of Camden. I discovered this shop that was similar to Cow Vintage, called Rokit, and I got a green Killers t-shirt for £3 which I was pretty happy with. I also bought some knitted badges of a stall in the market that I'm going to decorate my school bag with. 

Overall, I really liked London. I also went to Oxford Street for the first time and it was amazing and we went on the Emirates Skyline thingy too. All the people/waiters in restaurants/shop assistants that I spoke to were really really friendly and nice, compared to people I encounter in Birmingham where I live. I thought it was really interesting seeing all the different nationalities and fashions and people all together, and when some men were playing guitar and violin on the tube it was just cool.

Sunday 22 June 2014


THE CRAFT (1996)
This is definitely my favourite 90's film ever, I can watch it over and over and over again and it won't loose its spark. The Craft is about four teenage girls, Nancy, Sarah, Bonnie and Rochelle, who each represent the elements of water, earth, air and fire. They form a coven to worship 'Manon' and/or make some freaky stuff happen with their minds. They became prettier, caused the downfall of mean girls, made boys fall in love with them, you know, the usual witch stuff. However, The Craft is classified as a horror, and as the film progresses you see a hunger for more power form in Nancy's mind in particular, as she abuses what she has got and uses it wickedly against everyone else. I love this film a lot and to be honest my description doesn't do it justice. It has just the right amount of spell casting, dark&witty sarcasm and horror to make it great. Aside from the story line and the characters, I think the costume design is absolutely amazing and has such a strong mixture of rebellious high school girl, witchy, 90's styles.

Ghost World follows cynic and artist, Enid, who has just graduated from high school and is drifting through the phase between school and adulthood. It's funny and sarcastic and intelligent and I like it a lot. Enid's personality is really relatable and engaging, and in a way matches her clothing, which consists mainly of doc martens, occasional green hair and an 'original 1977 punk rock' looks (so she says).

WHIP IT (2009)
Whip It isn't even a 90's movie but it's one of my favourites and reminds me of that time period anyway. In Bodeen, Texas, and indie-rock loving misfit, Bliss Cavender, finds a way of escaping her small town misery after she discovers a roller derby league in nearby Austin (thanks imdb). This made me want to go and buy some roller-skates and join the Hurl Scouts. Bliss' outfits are really grungey, or bought from a thrift shop throughout the film. Go and watch it.